The Saudi Investment Bank Decisions of The Extraordinary General Assembly

The Saudi Investment Bank Decisions of The Extraordinary General Assembly


The Saudi Investment Bank Announces for approval its General Assembly Extraordinary session on Tuesday evening 01/06/1435H corresponding to 01/04/2014G at the headquarters of the main Bank the object Maather street in Riyadh on all agenda items as follows:

  1. Approval of Board of Directors report to the Shareholders on SAIB's results for the year ending December 31, 2013.
  2. Approval on SAIB's financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2013.
  3. Releasing the Board of Directors for their actions during the period from 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013.
  4. Approval of the Board's proposal to select external auditors for the year 2014, and establishing relevant fees.
  5. Approval for remunerations and allowances paid to the members of the Board of Directors against their membership and management, which is included in the report of the Board of Directors for the period from 01/01/2013 until 31/12/2013.
  6. Approval of the cash dividend as proposed by the Board of Directors by 0.80 riyal per share after deduction of Zakat by 8% of the nominal value of the shares, noting that these profits will not include the bonus shares and the date of the eligibility of the profits will be for shareholders of record as the end of the day 01/04/2014 and will announce a distribution method later.
  7. Approval to increase the bank’s capital from SR 5,500 million to SR 6,000 million by issuing one bonus share for every 11 existing shares to all shareholders at the end of the extraordinary General Assembly date, the increase will be affected by transferring SR 500 million from the retained earnings as of 31/12/2013, any fractions will be added and sold to the shareholders.
  8. Amendment of Article (6A) of SAIB's Article of Association in respect of capital increase from SR.5,500,000,000 to SR.6,000,000,000.
  9. Approval of the amendment in Article number 15 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, which provides that: (The bank may borrow money and enter into debt contracts in any other form in the Saudi currency. The Bank may also, taking into account, instructions, and regulations to exercise it in foreign currencies. These loans may be secured or unsecured and the bank can issue as proof of Promissory notes and debt securities of various kinds) to become after the amendment:
    “The bank may borrow money and enter into debt contracts in any other form in the Saudi currency. The Bank may also, taking into account, instructions, and regulations to exercise it in foreign currencies. These loans may be secured or unsecured and the bank can issue as proof of Promissory notes and debt securities of various kinds and maturities. The bank may issue any debt or instrument of any kind (including without limitation, Sukuk and bonds, whether primary or secondary in any currency) equal value and negotiable and indivisible according to the provisions of the related rules and regulations”.
  10. Approval for issuance of debt instruments of all kinds, including instruments that are Shariah compliant. Whether in part or several parts through the issuance of one for a series of releases and maturities from time to time under the programs they wish to at the times and amounts and conditions determined by the board of directors without needing to return to the General Assembly of shareholders in this regard.
  11. Authorize the Board of Directors to take all necessary measures for the issuance of debt instrument, including instrument that are Shariah compliant, and obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities, and authorize the Board of Directors to authorize any or all of the powers granted to them to any person or other people and give them the right authorize a third party.

It will be the maturity o each grant of shares and cash dividend of shareholders registered in the records of the bank as the end of the trading day of exraordinary general assembly Tueseday 01/06/1435H corresponding to 01/04/2014G note that the cash dividend will not include the bonus shares, and will be distributed on Sunday 06/06/1435H correspoding to 06/04/2014G.