Suggestions,Complaints And Call Back

Suggestions,Complaints And Call Back

Suggestions,Complaints And Call Back

Customers are our top priority at The Saudi Investment Bank. Therefore we focus on providing high quality services that will meet your needs in line with rules and regulations. We assure you that we will provide our utmost attention to any of your comments, complaints , suggestions and call backs.

We are happy to serve you through any of the below contacts:


Mobile App

Internet Banking

Flex Call

Phone Banking
800 124 8000
around the clock
*International calling fees apply

In a bank branch

Choose a branch convenient for you


We will be happy to respond to these complaints or suggestions as soon as possible in no longer than 5 business days from the date of receiving the complaint.

We ensure our customers that they will be dealt with, with utmost seriousness and concern. We strive to serve you in order to earn your satisfaction.

Mechanism Escalation Complaint Customer

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